Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Get Weather Forecast on GTalk

We have developed another BOT to get weather forecast, temperature and current conditions on your chat window.

Just add : climate@bot.im in your Google Talk Friend List and Type "City" e.g. London into Gtalk chat window and send message.

This bot will return you weather forecast. Behind the scenes it uses http://weather.com to weather report.

Please use it and let me know your feedback.


Sandeep Kath


Monday, June 29, 2009

Get Cricket Scores on GTalk Chat Window

We people are crazy about cricket. So I decided to develop something so that we do not need to visit cricinfo.com or any cricketing site again and again. Sometimes it is difficult to get scores in office or restrictions imposed by company firewall.

So I have created Lucky@BOT.IM bot and you can get live cricket scores anytime. Just add Lucky@BOT.IM to your friend list of GTalk and send any message to get the live cricket score.

Behind the scenes it used cricinfo to get the score and post it to GTalk Chat Window.

Please use it , review it and let me know your feedback to enhance it.


Sandeep Kath.